“As marketing guru Christopher Lochhead has pointed out, if you speak more articulately about the problem than anyone else, people will assume you have the solution.”
Few things to note for any founder or corporate change-makers out there:
Be extremely, unabashedly, ridiculously clear about the problem you want to solve
So how to be “clear” about a problem?
Talk to every and anyone about it, repeatedly, in different ways, in different angles
Look and relook at the problem in at least 5 different ways, write down each approach neatly
Take a step back to see if your problem can be explained in 1–2 sentences
Iterate and go back to look at each explanation in a different lens, i.e. from different demographics, different backgrounds, different price points .etc
Often, the problem has to connect with people on the emotional level more than the logical level
Don’t worry if you can’t think of a brilliant solution, a well articulated problem is a goldmine in and of itself!
Try it, you will find that actually crafting a proper problem statement is often way more difficult that throwing out solutions.
Connect with me if you love B2B and startup strategies.
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