You probably heard the saying: Focus on one thing and make it good.
Yea, we kinda heard of that one before.
Almost as if we could magically switch it on or off.
If you have the ability to “focus” as and when you want to.
You are have a rare skill.
Most of us simply aren’t built like that.
With so much distraction and stresses in our lives, we can’t just focus whenever we want to.
A butterfly has a proboscis nearly twice as long as its body to reach deep into flowers for nectar.
A Barracuda has evolved to be one of the fastest fishes in the oceans to catch its prey.
An eagle can see 8 times further than humans do, to hunt its prey from afar.
These are specialists.
Humans were not evolved to be hyper-specific.
We aren’t the fastest, largest, heaviest or have the sharpest teeth.
Perhaps our brains and opposable thumbs are the differentiator, enabling us to build cities and accumulate knowledge.
Thanks to our brain, we can make mistakes, learn from them and adapt.
So even if you can’t focus like others can, you can learn how and get better over time.
Hyperfocus is a privilege not afforded to everyone.
If you have something to focus and drill down on, such that everything else becomes irrelevant.
You are fortunate.
Go make something out of it.
It is one thing to be able to hyperfocus, its another to have something worth hyperfocussing on.
Do you agree? Hit me up and let me know.
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