LV is hot on NFTs.
Yes, they actually created a real game titled: Louis the Game.
You are the protagonist, Vivienne, the most French-sounding name I know.
You get to jump, bounce, run, crawl and explore the vast virtual world that Louis Vuitton created.
It is really quite impressive.
You have more than 200 artists coming together to create this magical, fantasy world filled with LV-related icons and pop culture.
“Louis’ coming-of-age tale, that of a risk-taking, innovative, natural leader defines the Maison he founded and advances us into the future,” says Louis Vuitton’s Chairman and CEO Michael Burke. “Through the disruptive and dynamic initiatives of Louis 200, we can appreciate how Louis was a figure of his time — and of ours.”
The music is delicious.
You have got to give them props to that.
It is a mix of fantasy, afternoon-rain-relaxing kinda upbeat tempo that really vibes with the amazing colors and characters in the game.
The graphics are quite captivating.
It really gives off a Final Fantasy meets Legend of Zelda vibe.
Although Vivienne really looks a little weird, like a dwarfish snowman with 3 huge ears.
They even released 30 NFTs you can collect and they are designed by Beeple!
Unfortunately, you can’t sell the NFTs, for now…
But imagine how easy it is for LV to unlock that feature and start their own in-game marketplace for trading NFTs!
I love it.
I love that big, prehistoric titans of industries like LV are actually making a real effort to be creative and try new things!
You have got to give that props.
It is so easy for a large corporation to sit back on their numbers and laugh off trends as passing fads, although respectfully, most of them are.
But to dig in, understand and make such a power move into virtual gaming and NFTs is commendable.
Next up, I will share the reasons why LV entered the Matrix.
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