How to make a million dollars? Sell a pixel for a dollar. Sounds brutally simple, but someone ACTUALLY did it. The website consisted of a million pixels arranged in a 1000 × 1000 pixel grid. The pixels were sold for $1 per pixel and the purchasers of these pixel blocks were mainly advertisers.
It was a pure and easy idea that was fun and nonchalant. But it works. People starting hearing about it and it started selling itself, adding more credibility and exposure.
I find such stories deeply fascinating. Keep in mind it was 2005, back when the internet was still fuzzy and people were still getting used to the concept of a “virtual, shared ecosystem”. Nobody could imagine what the internet could be in 10 years but they had a little faith.
So take a little faith and start something, anything. It could be amazing in a few years, if you persist.
I wonder if the owner is still selling pixels on this site? There are so many fun ideas to monetize this now that it has a semi-cult following! =)
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