The smartest people tend to talk themselves out of anything eventually.
The smartest people tend to talk themselves out of anything eventually.
Did you notice that?
It is always a pain talking to someone really smart.
They seem to have all the answers.
They seem to have no patience for you.
They even seem presumptuous at times.
It is actually a blind spot that we have to point out or it will hurt them in the long run.
I noticed this in board room meetings and conversations with really wise people who have far more experience and life lessons than me.
Of course being “smart” is relative and there is no absolutes.
However, a pattern that I notice is that the really smart or more experienced people (on certain topics), tend to have thought about it more and hence have more doubts than others.
Perhaps they have rehearsed it more often in their minds and are naturally more resistant to new ideas.
They would have a lightbulb moment and decide something is really good.
Then spend the entire day after brooding over why not and thinking 20 steps ahead to its eventual demise.
They would overthink a problem or solution.
Figuring out all the possibilities of why it will and will not work, and consequentially the good crosses out the bad.
And because they are smarter or more experienced, they get there faster and fuel more doubts.
The result?
Back to square one.
Then inertia takes over and they become reluctant to move from the spot they were at originally.
Morale of the story: Don’t overthink.
Start. Execute. Iterate. Learn. Review.
Don’t get stuck in thinking mode all your life.
If you enjoyed this, connect with me over B2B and startup strategies.
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