Did you see the fan who stood on the road waving the signboard that caused a horrendous crash at the Tour de France a while back?
It was quite obvious of her blatant disregard not only for her own safety, but for the riders.
Was it worth the few seconds on National TV or social media?
Was it worth the fact that dozens of world-class athlete who trained years for this moment to get botched up by her willful act of ignorance?
Anyone who watch a bit of professional cycling would know it is incredible hard to police and keep fans off the entire route. But any self-respecting fan should know where to draw the line.
Do not cause any kind of harm directly to the riders and do not interfere in the race in any way.
The best part was her fleeing the scene and now authorities are probably hunting her down.
This is a classic case study for any founders out there who made some serious blunder or mistake in their startup career.
Take ownership.
I have no sympathy for her actions but I am willing to entertain the notion that she might genuinely be over-excited and unaware of where she was at the moment of impact.
However, running away from your misdemeanor is not cool. Be responsible, stay to help out and apologize to the riders at the very least.
Founders out there, remember, people will always forgive you if you are sincere in your apology and if you at least genuinely take ownership.
Nothing is more hateful than bad behavior, shirking responsibility and running away from your problems.
Just be smart people.
Do the right thing!
Connect with me for more quirky insights and unorthodox breakdowns.
#startups #business #startupx #cycling #success #socialmedia #tourdefrance #entrepreneurship #responsibilty #ownership